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Cherokee Tribune-Ledger Podcast

Woodstock City Council sets qualifying dates and fees

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CTL Script/ Top Stories of August 1 Tuesday

Publish Date: July 31 Monday


Henssler :15

From the Ingles Studio Welcome to the Award Winning Cherokee Tribune Ledger Podcast

   Today is Saturday, August 1st, and happy 61th birthday to actor Wesley Snipes


I’m Brian Giffin and here are the stories Cherokee is talking about, presented by Credit Union of Georgia

  1. Woodstock City Council sets qualifying dates and fees
  2. Misti Martin discusses Cherokee Office of Economic Development goals and initiatives
  3. And Georgia Milestones test scores show student progress toward pre-pandemic results


Plus Leah McGrath of Ingles Markets joins our Bruce Jenkins to talk economical snacks for kids


We’ll have all this and more coming up on the Cherokee Tribune-Ledger Podcast


 Commercial:  CU of GA


Story 1. council


Residents of Woodstock who wish to run for the three Woodstock City Council seats up for election this fall can qualify for office on August 21-23 at the city clerk's office in the Woodstock Annex. The seats representing Ward 2, Ward 4, and Ward 6, currently held by David Potts, Tracy Collins, and Rob Usher, respectively, will expire at the end of the year. The qualifying fee for the city council is $342, equivalent to 3% of a council member's annual salary, and the fee is nonrefundable. The municipal election will take place on November 7 at the Woodstock Public Library, with a possible runoff election on December 5 if needed. The voter registration deadline is October 10.

....……… Read more on this story at tribuneledgernews.com


STORY 2: misti


The Cherokee Office of Economic Development (COED) is actively promoting business growth and job opportunities in Cherokee County. Misti Martin, President and CEO of COED said they seek to attract diverse companies, including those in cybersecurity, data sectors, technology startups, advanced manufacturing, and film production. Successful examples like Becker Robotic Equipment and Jaipur Living have expanded in the county, creating jobs and significant investments. COED is marketing available commercial space and planning the Canton Corporate Park's construction. They also offer acres of land for development in "The Bluffs" area. With funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, COED supports workforce development, internships, skills analysis, and the Be Pro Be Proud Georgia mobile workshop. They've aided over 70 Cherokee small businesses with grants and infrastructure improvements.


Story 3: milestones


The latest results from the Georgia Milestones tests show that while Georgia students have not fully recovered from the pandemic's disruptions, they are making steady progress. Out of 21 end-of-course assessments, 13 showed increases, primarily in English/Language arts and math at elementary and middle-school levels. Third-grade students showed significant gains in English/Language arts, math, and reading but still scored below pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, 8th-grade students' scores in science and social studies continued to decline. To address poor results, the state Department of Education is launching initiatives, including hiring virtual tutors and partnering with AmeriCorps to provide tutoring for students in need.


Back in a moment


Break:  ESOG - Drake


STORY 4: pathway


Etowah High School will introduce the Teaching as a Profession pathway in fall 2024, preparing future educators. The Cherokee County School District secured a $10,000 Cultivating Teachers grant from the Georgia Department of Education to fund this program, making them one of 38 school systems selected statewide. With this addition, all CCSD traditional high schools will have an education pathway. Students who complete the teaching pathways receive college credit and a guaranteed interview with CCSD for potential teaching positions. State Superintendent Richard Woods proposed and the state board of education approved this program expansion, aiming to cultivate the next generation of Georgia educators.


Story 5: reinhardt


Reinhardt University has added two new coaches for the 2023-24 season. Becca Hewitt will take over as the softball coach, succeeding former coach David Dews. She previously coached at Middle Georgia State and had a successful tenure there. Junior Nyamunda, a native of Zimbabwe, joins the men's soccer staff as an assistant coach under head coach Frankie Ruiz. Nyamunda played college soccer at Milligan and later transferred to Brewton-Parker, where he played under Coach Ruiz. Reinhardt's men's soccer team had a solid 2023 season, and Nyamunda is excited to contribute to the team's success.


Story 6: pruitt


Former Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt has been hired as a high school P.E. teacher and assistant football coach at Plainview High School in Rainsville, Alabama, where he also attended. He will also coach junior high basketball. Pruitt's hiring was officially approved by the DeKalb County Board of Education. His wife, Casey, was also hired as a teacher at the same school last month. At Plainview, he will work under his father, Dale Pruitt, who is the head coach. Jeremy Pruitt's coaching opportunities in college athletics have been limited due to a six-year show-cause penalty and one-year suspension issued by the NCAA following violations at Tennessee. Pruitt was formerly the Defensive Coordinator at Georgia.


Back with more after this


Commercial: Dayco – Ingles 4 – Heller

Story 7: LEAH


And Now, Leah McGrath, corporate dietician at Ingles Markets talks with Bruce Jenkins about economical snacks for kids




We’ll have closing comments after this


- Henssler 60


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www.henssler.com  www.ingles-markets.com  www.jeffhellerlaw.com  www.cuofga.org  www.daycosystems.com www.drakerealty.com  www.elonsalon.com  

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